Sunday, February 23, 2020


The scenario was an allergic reaction and anaphylactic shock, so my moulage effects were a red rash and hives, pale pallor, and cyanosis blue-tinged skin from lack of oxygen. Character moulage included simple cuts and scrapes, blisters, bruising, open compound fracture, snake bite, animal bite, frostbite, nosebleed, glass shards embedded in cuts, impaled object in abdomen, second- and third-degree burns, skull fracture, hypothermia pale skin and cyanosis , and an allergic reaction with hives and anaphylactic shock. The scenario was an earthquake. Character wounds included minor scrapes and bruises, dislocated shoulder, open compound fracture, concussion, skull fracture, second- and third-degree burns, spinal cord injury, abdominal trauma and internal bleeding, impalement with metal rebar, eyeball avulsion, and amputated arm. The scenario was a tornado and a collision between a bus, car, and hayride wagon. Character wounds included minor scrapes and bruises, dislocated shoulder, broken collarbone, broken ribs, femur fracture, open compound fracture, concussion and disorientation, skull fracture, second-degree burns and smoke inhalation, spinal cord injury, eyeball avulsion, and amputated arm. The scenario was a tornado.
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Character wounds included minor scrapes and bruises, broken bones, open compound fracture, concussion, skull fracture, second-degree burns and smoke inhalation, eyeball avulsion, and impalement.

Michigan mom calls police on son who wouldn't wake up for school. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: The subject was severe burns, pain management, and scenaro a specialized dressing to bandage burns.

We hope you enjoy the simulators, and will let us know of any problems or suggestions. This site uses cookies. She said there really is a need for the Moulage Team. Fiorillo said she was thrilled with how their first event went. Cervical Spine Clearance Suddenly and inexplicably transferred to the spinal service, you have to assess and evaluate six patients with potential cervical spine injuries.

Injuries included scrapes and abrasions, a severely bleeding laceration, fractures, concussion, open compound fracture, second- and third-degree burns, spinal cord injury, dislocated shoulder, and impalement with flying debris.

The scenario was an EF-2 tornado with extensive damage and numerous victim injuries. Character wounds were minor scrapes and bruises, a deep and profusely bleeding laceration, broken ankle, broken wrist, open compound fracture, dislocated shoulder, minor concussion, skull fracture and closed head injury, femur fracture, spinal cord injury, abdominal trauma and internal bleeding, impalement with metal rebar, and an eyeball avulsion.

Two arrested for driving car stolen from Indiana. Moulage zcenario bruising, scrapes, bleeding lacerations, pale pallor, cyanosis, defensive wounds, gunshot wounds, stab wounds, and needle track marks.

Moulage wounds included bruises, scrapes and cuts, a fractured wrist, an open compound fracture to the leg, gunshot entrance and exit wounds, graze wounds, and a shotgun blast.

Midland student creates app to make getting to school easier. March 5, scemario Medical Exercise Create moulage injuries for medical personnel to treat during a training exercise. The team has been practicing for months for their first event.

My moulage work was 2 gunshots to the upper arm with severe profuse bleeding. Bruises, cuts scdnario scrapes, lacerations, and broken bones. October 18, — Boy Scouts First Aid Merit Badge Created moulage injuries for victim role players for Boy Scouts to correctly identify and treat in order to earn their first aid moulabe badges.

The Moulage Team is now working on their portfolio so they can help in other scenarios throughout Tuscola County. Org to support our activities and allow us to bring you new interactive trauma and critical care moulages, as well as supporting our other trauma and critical care activities. Seeing the actual thing, it's a big help. Character wounds included minor scrapes and bruises, dislocated shoulder, broken ribs, femur fracture, open compound fracture, concussion and disorientation, skull fracture, second- and third-degree moupage and smoke inhalation, spinal cord injury, and amputated arm.

On Monday in Caro, thanks to a special team, the impact of the drill was far more powerful.

:Interactive Trauma

Injuries included minor scrapes and bruising, nosebleed, broken arm, broken ribs, open compound fracture, skull fracture, impalement with debris, and spinal cord injury. The scenario for the exercise was a large explosion with numerous injuries. For more information on Trauma. Character wounds included minor scrapes and bruises, broken bones, broken nose and nosebleed, dislocated shoulder, broken collarbone, laceration with embedded glass shards, open compound fracture, concussion and disorientation, scenaroi fracture, second-degree burns and smoke inhalation, spinal cord injury, and eyeball avulsion.


Moulage injuries were gunshot wounds entrance and exitgraze wounds, blood splatter, and scrapes and bruises. If you are a regular user of Trauma. I and other moulage artists created injuries for them to assess and treat.

The scenario was a mass-casualty incident caused by a severe storm and tornado. The scenario was a tornado and a collision between a bus, car, and hayride wagon.

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